Platte Canyon High School
Bailey, Colorado

Physical Science Main Page





 The class will be organized in the following way for each unit. 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6







Wrap-Up Activities – Questions



















Activity Time








Review Time







Slight modifications may be done due to special events, holidays, special projects and other unforeseen things.



As you can see in the above grid, each unit will have an introductory lecture/discussions, activity times, a review session, and a test. 

 The beginning of nearly each class period will start with questions that you will need to answer on a sheet of paper and turn in.  I will be doing attendance during this time.  Once you have finished the questions, you may quietly get up and start on your activities if appropriate to the schedule.

 The introduction and lecture will be done at the beginning of the first 3 or 4 days of the unit for about 30 minutes each.  This will give you the basic information and concepts on the unit - a place to start.  The activities will add to this basic information.

 From a grid that you will get for each unit, you will find 4 activities that have been checked for you.  These are required activities that you must do.  In addition, you need to choose 3 more activities.  It will be indicated on YOUR sheet how many and from what columns you may pick these three activities from. 

 The activities will be done during the times indicated on the schedule.  You will have about 4.5 hours of class time per unit for these 7 activities.  Be aware that some will take longer than others so don’t assume that each will take 40 minutes to complete (4.5 hours / 7 activities).  You also have the opportunity to work on some of these or parts of these activities at home (homework).

At the beginning of each unit you will need to select and schedule the activities you are going to do and turn in this schedule to Mr. Ghist.  Then you can start. If during the course of the unit, you decide you would like to substitute one activity for another, you may do so (assuming it is not one that is required) by informing Mr. Ghist before you start to do the activity.

The activity sheets will be located in the boxes in the corner of the room.  They will be arranged in the same order as the activity grid so they will be easy for find.  Each sheet contains all the information you need to do the activity or tells you where you need to go to find the information or equipment.   

When you complete an activity, attach the sheet to it and turn it in.  All activities must be completed and turned in by the time you take the test at the end of the unit.

Additional items/activities can be done if time permits.  All scheduled activities must be completed before any additional ones may be started.  These will not count as extra credit, but will be added in to your general grade.  NOTE:  These may help to offset a less than satisfactory grade on another activity or test.

If the activity requires use of a computer/Internet, you will need to sign up for its use since we have a limited number of computers.  A sign up sheet will be next to the computers.  Time is limited to 30 minutes per unit per student.  Additional time may be available if no other students need to use the computers. 

Library access will be limited as to how many can go at one time, how many times per unit, and on your conduct while you are there.  I will allow up to 5 students to go at one time.  If someone comes back during the classtime, another can go.  You may use the library up to 2 times per unit.  Any problems that are reported concerning your behavior in the library will result in loss of library privledges for 1 week for the first time and permanent loss of privledges for this class the second time.



 THERE IS NO FREE TIME!  You need to be working on one of your activities at all times.  Off-task time will result in loss of points (5 points per incident).  Off-task includes not working on an activity, visiting with others, wandering around the room, working on activities not part of this course.  This basically means doing anything other than one of your activities.  The loss in points will not apply to any particular activity but to the general number of points for the unit.

 If you complete all of your activities before the end of the unit, then I will assign you work to do.  Do Your Best Work On These Activities - Rushing through your work will not give you any free time in class.

 Inappropriate actions can result in loss of all points on any particular activity.  If this occurs in any unit, no additional activities beyond the 7 scheduled may be done.

 Work on each activity is to be YOUR WORK.  Copying other's work is not acceptable.  If I receive essentially identical products on an assignment where it is evident to me that one person copied the other's work, both people will get zero credit for the activity.

 Computer time is to be used ONLY for working on an activity that requires its use.  They may not be used for any other purpose, like checking your email, surfing the web, downloading programs, music, or other information not pertaining to an activity.  Such use will cause you to loose the use of the computer for the remainder of the course. NO EXCEPTIONS.
