Platte Canyon High
School |
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Mass 5.9763 x 1024 kg |
Radius (equator) 6378.245 km |
Sidereal Revolution 3.1558 x 107 s 365.256 days |
Tropical Revolution 365.242 days |
Volume 1.08321 x 1012 km3 |
Radius (mean) 6370.949 km |
Sidereal Rotation 23.9345 hrs 23h 56m 04s |
Solar Rotation 24.0000 hrs |
Density 5.5170 g/cm3 |
Radius (polar) 6356.8 km |
g 9.80665 m/s2 32.174 ft/s2 |
Orbital Radius mean: 1.49457 x 108 km (9.28683 x 107 mi) perihelion: 1.4709 x 108 m aphelion: 1.5210 x 108 m |
Oceanic Crust avg. thickness = 7 km seismic P-wave velocity = 7 km/second density = 3.0 gm/cm3 |
Continental Crust 30 - 50 km thickness 6 km/second P-wave velocity 2.7 gm/cm3 density |
Orbital Inclination 0º 0' 14" |
Orbital Velocity mean: 29.78 m/s maximum: 30.29 m/s minimum: 29.29 m/s |
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Crust thickness = 7 - 50 km |
Axial inclination 23º 27' or 23.45° |
Mantle thickness = 2900 km |
Outer Core thickness = 2250 km |
Inner Core radius = 1220 km |
Surface Pressure 1014 mb 1 atomosphere Total mass of atmosphere 5.1 x 1018 kg Average temperature 288 K -15 C Diurnal temperature range 283 K to 293 K - 10 to 20 C Wind speeds 0 to 100 m/s |
Atmospheric composition (by volume, dry air): N2 - 78.084% O2 - 20.946% Ar - 9340 ppm CO2 - 350 ppm Ne - 18.18 ppm He - 5.24 ppm CH4 - 1.7 ppm Kr - 1.14 ppm H2 - 0.55 ppm |
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