Platte Canyon High
School |
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I expect your best!
Challenge yourself to expect YOUR best!!
It is important to be in class EVERYDAY and ON TIME.
(Refer to school policies)
If you have late arrival, remember that class starts 10 minutes early when we
are on activity schedule.
NO TARDIES = incentive day at end of each smear
2 OR FEWER ABSENCES = no finals
Excused absences: you will have the same number of days, as you were absent to turn in all make up work. It is your responsibility to determine missed assignments.
Unexcused absences will result in zeros for all missed work.
If you are absent on the day of a test, it will be made up on the day you return except when days have been missed prior to the test day as well.
In order for other people to respect YOUR rights, you must first respect THEIR rights.
All students are expected to behave in a mature manner.
Appropriate language in the classroom is always expected.
ANY BEHAVIOR that interferes with classroom procedure violates other
student’s rights and my
NO FOOD OR DRINKS, except water are
allowed in the classroom before, during, or after class.
Inappropriate behavior in the class will not be tolerated.
This interferes with other students
learning. You will usually be given
an opportunity to correct this behavior. If
you cannot, you
will receive a After School or ISS depending on the behavior.
For other discipline problems, school policy will be followed.
NOTEBOOK - you will need to have a loose-leaf, 3-ring binder for class handouts, worksheets, quizzes and tests. These will be kept in chronological order in your binder.
You will also need a bound notebook (spiral is ok) where you will write
all your notes and observations.
WRITING INSTRUMENT - pencil or pen (no pastel colors or highlighters)
CALCULATOR = a calculator capable of AT LEAST arithmetic (+-x/), operations, square root, exponents (EE), and trig functions (sin, cos, tan). (TI-82, 83, and 92’s are ok, but not necessary)
All primary information and problems will come from lectures, handouts, and assignments. I hope to be utilizing the computer (INTERNET) as a supplement to this course and will have additional/supplemental information available.
INTERNET: lots of useful information including many of the handouts, homework assignments, extra credit work, and grades can be found on our website –
Class and Course Expectations –
this sheet
Lab Safety Information
Course Outline
Unit Schedules including Homework Assignments
Extra Credit Work
Special Projects – for example, Catapults
Useful Information – formulas, constants, metric system, …
State and PCSD Science Standards and Expectations
Grades (optional)
Interesting and sometimes bizarre photos of the class in action
Your own work!
Special Events
Expect homework everyday. There will be days when you won’t have any, but always plan for it. Homework is expected to be done and will account for approximately 10% of your grade.
Completed assignments/homework are to be turned in to me on the date due.
Homework as well as any assignment is expected to be neatly and legibly completed. If I cannot read it, it will be returned to you to be redone and resubmitted. Torn or crumpled papers will not be accepted, nor will pages with graffiti or extraneous unrelated notes.
Forgot your homework assignment – check the Internet!
It is your responsibility to remember to turn in your homework.
We will have quite a lot of laboratory assignments (usually
2-3 per week).
They are an important part of the class and account for approximately 30% of
your grade.
Formal Lab Writeups will be usually be due 2 days after completion of the lab
unless otherwise specified
The lab area is OFF LIMITS, except
with my permission or during an assigned lab.
If you are in the lab area or into any cabinets without permission, you will
have an afterschool detention.
If inappropriate behavior occurs during a lab, you will receive a ZERO for that lab assignment.
If you break or destroy equipment due to inappropriate actions, you will pay for
its replacement.
NO FOOD OR DRINK in lab area at any time.
My grading scale is as follows:
90% - 100% = A
70% - 79% = C
Below 60%= F
80% - 89% = B
60% - 69% = D
Semester grades will be based on combined scores from worksheets, labs, quizzes, tests, projects, homework, and class participation. Midterms/Finals will count 20% of each semester's grade.
The following are approximate percentages that each activity will count.
Tests 40% | Classroom Conduct/Participation 5% |
Quizzes 10% | Worksheets/Homework/Labs 40% |
Special Projects 5% |
If you need help, have questions, or are confused about anything, ASK!
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