The Letter |
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PLATTE CANYON HIGH SCHOOL P. O. Box 295 January 30, 2002 Mr. Carl Miller Dear Mr. Miller: We are an earth science class at Platte Canyon High School in Park County. As part of our course, we have been studying minerals; in particular minerals found in Colorado. During our studies, we stumbled upon the fact that there is no state mineral for Colorado. Colorado does have a state gemstone, the aquamarine, but no state mineral. Therefore, we would like to propose RHODOCHROSITE. It seemed appropriate that a school from Park County should propose the mineral, because most of the beautiful minerals in Colorado come from Park County. Rhodochrosite was chosen for a number of reasons. First of all, it has a magnificent red color, which represents the Spanish meaning for "Colorado". Second, the finest crystals that have ever been found come from Colorado, especially Park County (Sweet Home Mine near Alma). Third, it has received a lot of publicity during the past years, and is prominently displayed at the Denver Museum of Natural History. Finally, what better mineral could represent the state of Colorado, but one that is so truly unique in its beauty and color as rhodochrosite. We would like your support in proposing rhodochrosite to be Colorado's state mineral and help in pursuing our proposal. We look forward to your response. Sincerely,