Platte Canyon High School
Bailey, Colorado

Back to Mineral Project

Denver Museum of Nature and Science Bill Signing

On April 17, 2002, seventeen out of 23 students from Mr. Ghist's Earth Science class at Platte Canyon High School went to the press conference held at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  We arrived at 9:00, having some time to visit the exhibits, be treated to an IMAX movie and lunch courtesy of the museum.  The signing was schedule for 12:30. 

The signing was staged in front of the entrance to the Gem and Mineral Hall.  A case to the right of the entrance contained several nice specimens of rhodochrosite from the museum and Bryan Lees (owner of the Sweet Home Mine).


A podium was directly in front of the entrance and to the left of it, a table where the governor would sign the bill.  All the students and myself stood behind this table while the speakers spoke.

 At 12:30, Bill Coors introduced the governor.

Bill Owen's spoke briefly about the mineral and Colorado before introducing Representative Carl Miller.

Carl Miller said a few words, followed by Senator Ken Chlouber, both of whom represented the bill in the House and Senate respectively.

Christal Ruelas, one of my students, presented a speech concerning the history of the mineral project.

After the speeches, all the students, including myself, Carl Miller and Senator Chlouber, crowded around behind the governor for the signing.

The bill was signed at 12:47 PM.

After the signing, the governor, Carl Miller, Ken Chlouber, Bill Coors, Jack Murphy, Bryan Lees, five students and myself took a VIP tour of the rhodochrosite display. 

Certificates and a rhodochrosite pin were presented to the governor by two of my students.


Cake and punch were served after the tour.
