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  Physics Week 8
October 15 - 19, 2001
Lesson Plans

October 15, 2001

Objective  To understand circular motion
Standards 2.2 Students know that energy appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed).

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.
Lessons Review Homework Problems
Introduction to Circular Motion
Classroom Practice
Homework Circular Motion Worksheet #1 - Due 16/12/01
Extension Work:  Problems 16, 17 and 18 on page 236 of textbook.


October 16, 2001

Objective To continue to enhance students understanding of circular motion through exercises and laboratory work.
Standards 2.2 Students know that energy appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed).

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.
Lessons Review Circular Motion Worksheet #1
Continued discussion of Circular Motion
Circular Motion Lab
Homework Read p. 206 - 216 in textbook.
Circular Motion Worksheet #2 - Due 10/15/01
Extension Work:  Problems 33, 34 and 35 on page 237 of textbook.


October 17, 2001

Objective To understand harmonic motion
Standards 2.2 Students know that energy appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed).

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.
Lessons Review Circular Motion Worksheet #2
Introduce Harmonic Motion 
Pendulum Lab - Due on Friday, October 19th
Homework Harmonic Motion Worksheet #1 - Due October 18th


October 18, 2001

Objective To continue to enhance students understanding of harmonic motion through exercises and laboratory work.
To understand the concept of gravity
Standards 2.2 Students know that energy appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed).

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.
Lessons Review homework
Continue discussion on harmonic motion and oscillating motion
Introduce the concept of gravity
Homework Gravitation Worksheet #1 - Due Friday, Oct. 19th


October 19, 2001

Objective To continue to enhance the student's understanding of gravity
Standards 2.2 Students know that energy appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed).

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.
Lessons Review homework
Continue discussion of gravitation and Kepler's Laws of Motion
Homework Gravitation Worksheet #2 - Due Monday, Oct. 20th